Fylde Lodge MMM No 296 step in to help

Bro Rory Maskell (now W.M. Fylde MMM No 296) was
approached in October to add his personal support
to raise money to help a baby (Grayson) with a
severe disorder which had resulted in him being
born with his skull out of alignment.
The project needed to raise almost £2000 to
purchase, along with expert treatment, a
specialised helmet torealigned his head and time
was of the essence so that the child's natural
growth pattern would facilitate recovery at the
fastest natural rate.
Right: Rory presenting the cheque to Greig
Remaining Photographs are of Grayson with his
Proud Parents Sarah and Greig
The family had arranged several small charity events
to raise the money but it was coming in to slowly for
the essential treatment to take place at an early time. 
So touched was Rory by the families plight that he
approached V W Bro Keith Beardmore, Dep P.G.M., a
member of Fylde Lodge, to enquire if Mark Masonic
Charities could help in any small way. Recalling that
at the 2011 installation Fylde Lodge had donated over
£1000 which had been ring fenced for a future project
Keith contacted the Provincial Grand Master.
They both agreed that this project could be further
supported by the West Lancs Mark Charity fund and
within days the cheque for £1950.00 had been sent
to the suppliers of the helmet and the treatment
The family were so grateful that they visited Rory at
his home at Christmas to express their thanks
as the photographs show.
Grayson will undergo further treatment at Alder Hey
Hospital in Liverpool early in the new year but
things certainly do look much brighter for the
youngster and the improvement already seems to
show he will make an excellent recovery and be able
to lead a full and normal life.
Graysons parents Sarah and Greig have donated all
other moneys raised back to the West Lancs Charity
Photographs courtesy of Rory Maskell
and Article courtesy of Keith Beardmore